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5 Reasons Why We're Thrilled To Be Stocked At Waitrose 5 Reasons Why We're Thrilled To Be Stocked At Waitrose

5 Reasons Why We're Thrilled To Be Stocked At Waitrose

From this week our plastic free, plant based Peppermint Gum is now officially stocked in over 260 Waitrose & Partners stores across the UK! Head to our stockists map to find your nearest store.

We couldn't be happier that Waitrose are our first nationwide stockists helping us to get the world to #ChewPlantsNotPlastic. Here's 5 reasons why...

1. Last month they banned disposable plastic toys given away with children's magazines.

Inspired to act after hearing about a campaign by a 10-year-old girl from Gwynedd, Waitrose will lead the way in removing them from its supermarket shelves over the next month and instead calling for magazine publishers to replace plastic toys with more sustainable alternatives.

That’s what we like to hear!

2. Waitrose is the first national supermarket to integrate unpacked items into its regular aisles.

In 2019 Waitrose pioneered the launch of its refillable range in some of its shops with ‘Waitrose Unpacked’ to test demand from consumers for packaging free shopping. This year they took it further by offering 51 lines of Unpacked options across four stores with more to soon follow.

Such a simple and effective way to reduce single-use plastics. We like.

3. They no longer sell Christmas crackers that use plastic glitter or contain plastic toys.

Both Waitrose and John Lewis have stopped selling crackers containing pointless plastic toys inside as well as ones using plastic glitter (awful micro-plastics). It’s safe to say the world won’t miss yo-yos or freaky fortune telling fish anytime soon.

If only they could also ban crackers containing tired and terrible jokes…

4. They've funded five pioneering projects tackling plastic pollution.

Waitrose launched Plan Plastic - The Million Pound Challenge in 2019, giving £1 million in funding to fight plastic pollution. Funded projects range from a bio-recycling facility using plastic eating fungi, to developing a cost-effective way to prevent fishing nets being lost at sea.

The more projects like these the better (and we’ll never look at mushrooms in the same way again!)

5. Waitrose ranked 1st in Greenpeace's annual league table for efforts to reduce plastics (for the second year in a row)

In January Waitrose topped the Environmental Investigation Agency and Greenpeace table of UK supermarkets for efforts to reduce plastics across its shops and products for the second year in a row.

We’re so glad to be a part of this effort for 2021 and beyond! Off to do a Waitrose shop? Make sure to look out for us on a shelf near you!