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Nuud is Oral Health Foundation approved Nuud is Oral Health Foundation approved

Nuud is Oral Health Foundation approved

Something to smile about!

Hands up if you’ve ever been told off for chewing gum?! Unless you’re throwing it on the floor or sticking it under your desk, plastic free gum really doesn’t deserve a telling off! 

Refreshingly good gum

Not only is Nuud: 

  • Plastic free
  • Plant based
  • Naturally sugar free, sweetened with xylitol
  • Biodegradable 

It’s the ONLY plastic free chewing gum to be approved by the Oral Health Foundation 

Nuud plastic free gum is beneficial for dental health as chewing helps to neutralise plaque acids after eating and drinking anything, such as sugary foods or coffee, that may cause harm to your pearly whites! 

Dr Nigel Carter, chief executive of the Oral Health Foundation: 

We are delighted to welcome Nuud plastic free chewing gum to the charity’s range of approved products. Single-use plastics are very common in oral care and finding truly sustainable alternatives has proven especially difficult. We know that more patients are looking for effective oral care products which are environmentally friendly and Nuud’s plant based chewing gum now gives them a clear option. All adult patients would benefit from chewing sugar free gum in between meals as an effective way to neutralise plaque acids.” 

Gum on the go

Chew our naturally sugar free gum when you're out and about to help protect your teeth and gums between meals when you don't have your toothbrush nearby! 

Find out more about the oral health benefits of natural sweetener xylitol